How To Care For Sensitive Teeth – Tips for Sensitive Teeth

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Tooth sensitivity can actually be painful and you can feel this when you consume very hot or cold foods and drinks, sugary-sweets and at times cold wind against your teeth can also make them to start stinging or thrombin. In most cases teeth become sensitive because their enamel or cementum has worn away. This actually exposes the tooth’s dentin which is composed of tiny tubes with sensitive nerve endings running through thus causing the sensitivity because the layer of protection will be missing making teeth more vulnerable to cold, heat, acidity and spices. Likewise, tooth sensitivity can also be caused by several dental-issues like; root-canal issues, cavities, teeth-grinding, filling-breakage and others.

On the other hand, unlike some dental diseases related to age, tooth-sensitivity can actually happen at any time but it mostly affects people between the ages of 25 to 30. However, tooth-sensitivity can be cured with proper treatment and time but in case your teeth don’t recover after a month of good care then try to consult your dentist because you might be having a nerve-problem.

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  1. Brush using a special kind of toothpaste: there are actually toothpastes specially formulated to work on sensitive teeth and these usually contain potassium-nitrate or strontium-chloride. This is mainly because these chemicals plug-up the tubules in the dentin and at times these chemicals travel all the way down to your teeth-nerves where they build a shield. Additionally, strontium-chloride triggers minerals in the saliva to harden over the tubules. In case such toothpastes are not enough, then try to add fluoride-based toothpaste to your brushing routine.


  1. Use a high-quality toothbrush: always brush your teeth using a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid using toothbrushes with hard-bristles because they scratch the enamel overtime making the teeth more sensitive. Likewise, brush gently in order to give the toothpaste chemicals to interact with the teeth before spitting and also wait for a few minutes before rinsing your mouth and with time sensitivity will disappear.


  1. Avoid using gel toothpastes: gel toothpastes are common source of teeth sensitivity but this can easily be fixed by switching cream-toothpastes without any color or stripes in order to reduce on the sensitivity.


  1. Acquire a high-technology toothbrush: using a high-technology powered toothbrush is also recommended when it comes to taking of your sensitive teeth. this is because most powered toothbrushes feature a sensitive-mode which allows to clean his/her sensitive teeth well coupled with a pressure-sensor which will let you the right pressure while brushing hence eliminating sensitivity over time.


  1. Change your diet: during times of tooth-sensitivity it’s recommended to avoid consuming sensitivity triggering-foods like very hot and cold foods or spicy dishes. But don’t worry because you won’t have to fore-go these foods forever but it’s just best to hold-off such foods until the teeth become less sensitive.


  1. Use a fluoride-based mouthwash: fluoride is actually an active element found in many types of toothpaste because it repairs light damages on your teeth by restoring the tooth-enamel. This means that rinsing your mouth with a fluoride-based mouthwash for at least once daily can help to reduce on sensitivity hence stopping the teeth pain you’re experiencing. However, you should know that non-prescription mouthwashes may contain enamel-eroding acids and this means that you should only use mouthwashes that have been recommended by your dentist.


  1. Tryout a fluoride-varnish: in case a fluoride-based mouthwash is not very effective, then try acquiring a stronger varnish from the dentist. In fact, coating your teeth in a fluoride-based varnish greatly helps in treating teeth sensitivity and this only takes a few minutes to apply. Additionally, the dentist may advise you to go back for periodic-coatings and also prescribe for you a high-fluoride mouthwash.


  1. Brush after taking sugary, starched and acidic foods or drinks: consuming sugar and starches escalates the production of digestive-acids in the mouth and foods with a high-acid content like; citrus and soda actually bring acid directly into your mouth yet acid erodes the tooth-enamel. So when eating foods high in acid, sugar or starch, then use a straw or brush teeth immediately after eating or drinking. These prevention methods will help to reduce on the time the acidic-substances spend on your teeth. Additionally, eating foods like; cheese (milk) can help in neutralizing acid that has been introduced into the mouth by acidic-foods.


  1. Chew sugarless gum: when you are away from home and you can’t brush, then you should try to chew sugarless gum because it triggers saliva production and you should know that saliva contains protective minerals which the acidic-foods might have destroyed. These saliva-minerals actually prevent decay and will even leave the teeth stronger.


  1. Drink a lot of water: drinking water actually helps to wipe away lingering acids and sugars for your teeth and other sections of the mouth. In fact, drinking water is a great way of lessening the effects from acidic drinks and foods when you can’t brush. Additionally, you can also take tap-water because it contains fluoride hence this makes it better for the teeth than bottled water.


  1. Visit your dentist: the dentist can actually strengthen your teeth better than any home remedy. In fact there are several dental procedures that help to combat sensitivity and these can only be done by a dentist but they include;
  • Oxalate or root-rub: this helps to stop or greatly reduce on tooth-sensitivity because it involves coating the roots.
  • Using bonding resin in order to completely seal the teeth so that they can no-longer feel sensitive.
  • Placing a composite bonding-material in order to cover the tooth exposed-areas because this will block access to the nerves hence reducing on the sensitiveness.
  • Root-canal procedure: this is actually seen as a last resort and it’s used when your teeth are in an irreversible condition. In fact, it’s rarely used to stop pain in the absence of pathology.

In conclusion, whether a person is seeking for relief in dental-products or professional-treatments by the dentist, just know that there is a wide-range of solutions readily available to eliminate the troublesome sensitivity in your teeth.

Vanilla Farmer, Amazon Retailer & Tech Researcher. Yosaki is my personal blog but I'm working on some big tech project back doors. I will keep on posting various topics on things I have knowledge about.

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