How To Clean The Inside Of A Washing Machine

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A washing-machine needs to be cleaned just like everything else because the washing-machine will tend to become dirty when used overtime. In fact, after washing loads of dirty laundry, the inside of the washing-machine will get stained and even some odors may cling onto the walls whereby these can be transferred to your clothes the next you are washing. It is for this reason that you really need to clean inside your washing-machine and below are some of the steps that you may follow in order to ensure that the washing-machine is properly cleaned:

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  1. Fill the washing-machine with hot-water: most recent models of front-loading machines often have self-cleaning cycles and if this is the case with your new washing-machine, then just fill it with hot-water then press the cleaning-setting. In case your washing-machine doesn’t have a self-cleaning cycle, then just fill it with hot and then proceed to next step.
  2. Add a small amount of bleach: add a quart of any bleach-substance into your washing-machine in order to remove any stains inside. In fact, this works best by adding the bleach through the dispenser so that it mixes with hot water and then let the washing-machine finish the rest of the washing-cycle.
  3. Clean the rubber-seal on the washer’s door: during the cleaning-process, remember to clean the rubber-seal on the washing-machine door because this area is prone to mold-growth since water tends to get trapped between the seal and machine. While cleaning the rubber-seal, try using an all-purpose cleaner coupled with a sponge or paper-towel to thoroughly clean under and around the seal.
  4. Clean the dispensers: the powder/liquid detergent used in washer’s dispenser actually sticks on the walls hence creating debris which requires cleaning off. So, try to clean these dispensers with an all-purpose cleaner or using a vinegar and water solution coupled with a sponge in order to remove any traces of detergent, dirt and other things that may clog your dispenser.



  1. Fill your machine with hot-water: the easiest way of doing this is by turning on the hot-wash cycle but only activate this cycle after the water has been filled into the washing-machine. Likewise, you may also heat-up water in your kitchen and then transfer it into the washing machine.
  2. Apply a quart of chlorine-bleach: after applying hot-water into the washer, add a quart of chlorine-bleach and then turn-on the washing-cycle for a few seconds so that the agitation-process mixes-up the bleach with water, after, turn-off the washing-cycle and then leave the chlorine mixture to sit for about an hour. This process will help to lift the grime, mildew and other dirty-substances inside the washing-machine. On the other hand, in case you don’t want to use bleach for cleaning, then use a special machine-cleaner because it will also do the cleaning perfectly. Additionally, if you want to clean inside your washer naturally, then add a quart of white-vinegar to the cleaning-water instead of adding a bleach or cleaner.
  3. Complete the washing-cycle: after waiting for 1-hour, switch-on the washing-machine and then let it complete the washing cycle. At this point the inside of the washing-machine will be sanitized. However, the machine will tend to smell like bleach once the washing-cycle is complete and this is why it is recommended to fill it with hot-water and also add a quart of vinegar again. Let the solution sit for an hour and then run the washing-cycle once more for best results.
  4. Clean-up the dispensers: clean the washing-machine dispensers using a vinegar-water solution and a scrubber in order to thoroughly clean areas where powdered and liquid detergent is inserted. in fact, things like; dirt, hair and much more tend to pile-up in the dispenser and that is why it’s very important to keep this section clean just like other part of the washing-machine.



  1. Remove wet-clothes promptly: keeping wet-clothes inside the washing-machine even for just a few hours can lead to mildew and mold growth which will in-turn affect the smell of your clothes and the overall functionality of the washing-machine. So, it’s recommended to transfer wet-clothes to a dryer or clothes-line immediately after the washing-cycle is completed.
  2. Leave the washing-machine open after washing: closing the washing-machine door after a washing-cycle is complete will actually just trap-in moisture thus creating a perfect environment for mold and mildew growth. In order to prevent this from happening, you just have to leave the door of the washing-machine open so that all the remaining water can evaporate after a washing-cycle.
  3. Ensure that the washing-machine parts stay dry: incase your washing-machine has a soap-drawer which gets wet during the washing-process, then take it out and dry-it when the washing-cycle is complete. In fact, only replace this drawer into the washer when after noticing that it’s completely dry.
  4. Deep-clean for once in a month: daily maintenance helps to prevent the washing-machine from developing too much mildew or mold but it’s also necessary to give your washer a deep-cleaning for at least once in a month. In conclusion, try to use the methods that have been outlined above in order to keep your washing-machine smelling fresh and working efficiently for several years.



  • Try not to use phosphate-free soaps or detergents while cleaning a washing-machine in order to improve on the health of our eco-system. In fact, try as much as you can to avoid using washing-products that contain substances that are harmful to the environment like; phosphates, sulfates and much more.
  • Never use paper-towels to clean inside a washing-machine although it may get it clean. This is because paper-towels won’t prevent moss growth and this will actually affect your washing-machine in the long-run.
  • There are special-machine cleaners that you can use to clean your washing machine in case you don’t want to use bleach or detergents. These machine-cleaners are readily available for purchase at grocery stores or online.

Vanilla Farmer, Amazon Retailer & Tech Researcher. Yosaki is my personal blog but I'm working on some big tech project back doors. I will keep on posting various topics on things I have knowledge about.

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