How to Properly Mow the Lawn – Mowing Guide

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Most people with homes actually have compounds or yards with grass and these compounds will actually require mowing at certain point in order to keep your home looking neat and clean. In fact, proper mowing will increase on the density of the lawn and this will in-turn decrease on the grass/weeds. Additionally, you should know that each type of grass features a recommended mowing height but remember not to trim more that 1/3 of the grass blade-length at once for best mowing results. On other hand, you should know that a repeated close-mowing procedure can produce a brown-lawn and even creates multiple harmful side-effects to both the grass being cut and the lawn-mower blades. All in all, I have decided to provide you with some of the steps to follow in order to properly mow your lawn with any side-effects.

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Steps On How to Properly Mow the Lawn:

  1. Prepare the lawn-mower: you will need to first get a good-quality lawn-mower and then set it then check it to make sure that everything is operating properly. Afterwards, set your lawn-mower to a highest, preferred setting for a given grass-type but make sure that lawn-mower cuts only the top 1/3 of the grass-blades for best results. All in all, you should know that most grass-types can be trimmed perfectly using a lawn-mower set to one of the highest settings in order to achieve a 3-4 inch cut/trim. However, there are also grass-types that prefer a middle mower-setting or lower mower-setting for best trimming results.


  1. Charge or refill your lawn-mower with gas: if you have an electric lawn-mower then you need to fully charge it before switching it and in case you have a gasoline/fuel powered lawn-mower then you need to fill it with gas and oil before you start operating it. Additionally, you also need to check the air filter for any debris and clean it if necessary then you will be able to power-up your lawn-mower.


  1. Clean-up your yard or compound: you have to clean-up your yard in order to remove any sticks, dry-leaves, tree-branches, stones that may make the mowing process difficult. In fact, cleaning your yard before using a lawn-mower will ensure that the mower-blades last for longer since they don’t find a hard-time while mowing clean-grass.


  1. Mow dry-grass: wait for your grass to dry-up before you start mowing because trimming wet-grass can result into uneven cuts. Additionally, trimming wet-grass can produce a lot of debris that can easily clog the lawn-mower and can even lead to brown-spots.


  1. Prepare the edges of the garden or yard: it’s actually very important to trim the edges of your compound using whipper-snipper because this will help to establish a perimeter of the yard that is to be trimmed when using a lawn-mower. Additionally, snipping the compound/yard first will help the lawn-mower to pick-up all the debris/mess that snipper may have left behind thus leaving your compound extremely neat after mowing.


  1. Start your lawn-mower: you will now have to start the mower by simply pulling the integrated cord if it’s a gasoline/fuel powered mower or press the switch-on button if it’s an electric-rechargeable lawn-mower. Afterwards, the lawn-mower blades will begin spinning and this means that they be ready to cut any grass within their path.


  1. Mow in columns or rows: you should now start mowing in rows or columns while moving the lawn-mower all the way to the other side and then turn it around and start mowing another section. In fact, you should always vary the mowing-pattern every time you mow in order to avoid any compacting soil. However, make sure that you don’t miss any grass while mowing because this will leave patches behind that will make the entire mowing job look unprofessional.


  1. Make lines while mowing: in order to achieve a clean mow, you will need to keep your rows or columns straight and even while mowing and this can be done by selecting a wheel on the other end of the yard and then aim the lawn-mower onto the line that you have already created. In fact, you should try to work steadily by aiming straight towards the uncut grass and when you reach the yard-end, turn around and pick another line to aim at while mowing.


  1. Check for any missed-spots: try to look for any missed-spots and if there’s any, then consider going back over in order to achieve a clean and even trim. However, if you carefully place the wheel of the lawn-mower on top of the line you have already made while mowing, you will actually not leave any uncut grass or spots behind.


  1. Repeat the trimming process until you finish: you will need to repeat mowing as necessary in order to maintain a uniform appearance up to the finishing-line of your lawn. However, make sure that no uncut grass spots are left behind while mowing and this can only be achieved by being consistent and smart while mowing.


  1. Turnoff the lawn-mower: after mowing the entire compound, switch off your lawn-mower, thoroughly clean it up and then place it in a shed/garage where it can be kept safely and away from children who may play around it.



  • You should consider hiring a professional-gardener with enough knowledge on how to use a lawn-mower in case you don’t wish to trim the grass within your compound/yard by yourself.


  • Always remove any sticks and other types-of-debris from the lawn/compound before you start mowing because this will help to prevent your lawn-mower from getting damaged while mowing.


  • Never trim more that 1/3 of the total length of the blade-of-grass if you wish to achieve a healthy lawn. In fact, if the grass in the lawn has grown very long then consider cutting 1/3 of it and then trim other 1/3 in 3-days later until you achieve a desired grass-length.


  • Start the lawn-mower on sidewalk or any other solid-ground in order to make the starting-point of mowing very easy and safe.


  • Always wear eye and hearing protection-gear coupled with tough-shoes while mowing in order to protect yourself from the powered lawn-mower and any flying debris and insects while mowing.

Vanilla Farmer, Amazon Retailer & Tech Researcher. Yosaki is my personal blog but I'm working on some big tech project back doors. I will keep on posting various topics on things I have knowledge about.

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