How to Shave Beard without Shaving Cream

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The possibility of running out of shaving cream is high but that will not stop your beard from growing and at the same time it won’t stop your need / desire to shave it. That means, you need plan B and that is what we’re going to learn about in this post. To your surprise, the process is not going to change, but I will alternate shaving cream with something different, keep on reading and see what I suggest.

How to Shave Beard without Shaving Cream

  • Wet your beards:- This is a step you should always remember whenever you want to shave those beards or any other area. Exfoliate and take a wash your face very well with warm water, this will clean the beards; make them soft and easy to shave.
  • Choose the right shaving tool:- I guess you already have a shaving tool, make sure it’s in the right status, if it’s a safety razor, check out its blade, if it needs replacement do so, if it’s a wet & dry shaver, check out the blades and battery charge, if the battery is low, try to charge it full so that you enjoy a cordless shave. On the other hand, I will not assume everyone has a shaving tool, so in that case I recommend you use any of these safety razors or wet & dry shavers listed here, I’m sure you will like them.
  • Use shampoo / Soap:- Just like I  said, I will alternate shaving cream with another product, so in this case, you can either lather up with shampoo / soap. I have covered a post on how to wet shave, so if this is a new process for you, go check it out. If you have shampoo / soap, mix it a little bit with water so that you make foam, apply that foam on that beard and let it sit there for just a few minutes, this will soften the beards & hair follicles.
  • Start shaving:- I’m sure majority of people reading this post have safety razor / disposable razors, so let me give you instructions of using any of those two manual shaving tools. Before putting that razor on that beard, make sure you know the direction to which your beards grow too. I call this the grain, it can be easily spotted by brushing your beard, the direction to which it feels resistant, is a wrong direction, but if all seems smooth, then that is the right grain. Wet your razor under tap water and then start shaving towards your grain. I’m sure you know the shape of beard you want, so I will not go into goatees and mustache shaping, this shouldn’t be your first time to shave a beard. If the razor gets clogged by the shampoo / soap, dump it into a mug of water and continue shaving.
  • Rinse of the shampoo / soap:- After shaving off that beard, rinse / wash off that shampoo / soap using cold water, this water will close all skin pores and prevent germs from finding their way into your skin. If you notice some areas left with some beards, put soap / shampoo on them and clean shave them.
  • Dry your face: – After washing your face, remove water from the face using a clean dry face towel.
  • Apply aftershave:- You should always apply aftershave when the face is dry. Use a friendly aftershave product, the one you always use. Put moderate amounts of aftershave on your hands and apply it to the shaved area, this will calm down the skin which has been shaved and at the same time kill germs, saving you from razor bumps and related problems.
  • Clean your razor / shaver:- Disable the razor and clean it very well with water, let it dry very well and assemble it back. Never store a razor when its wet.



Vanilla Farmer, Amazon Retailer & Tech Researcher. Yosaki is my personal blog but I'm working on some big tech project back doors. I will keep on posting various topics on things I have knowledge about.

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