How To Use Washing Machine Controls

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Most washing-machines actually use the same, basic controls and all you need to know are the washing-options for use depending on the texture and color of your clothes. In fact, washing-machines feature certain washing-settings that many people never use because they don’t understand them. However, with some extra knowledge on how to use these washing-options, you will be able to benefit from your washing-machine. so I have decided to list for you some of the methods that will enable you use the washing-machine controls that you were not using before and it will be of great importance for you to read through this article in case you have just acquired a new washing-machine or if you have still find hardships while setting your washing-machine.

RELATED:- What Is The Best Washing Machine?



  1. Separate the clothes: begin by sorting your clothes into 3-pile which include; white-tone clothes, dark-tone clothes and bright clothes.
  2. Read the tags/labels on clothes: try to clearly read the labels on your clothes in order to make to know whether a specific type of cloth requires dry-cleaning, machine-washing or hand-washing and then separate any of these clothes into a separate pile.
  3. Read the labels on the washing-detergent: carefully read the label on the laundry-detergent in order to know how to properly use a specific detergent and in the right amounts while using a washing-machine.
  4. Fill the dispenser with water and detergent: after, fill the washing-machine dispenser with water followed by a fabric-softener or bleach product.



  1. Gently put clothes into the washing-machine: place clothes loosely into your washing-machine and make sure that they are well-balanced inside the dispenser but not just on one side. Fill the washer to the top or as recommended by the users-manual.
  2. Close the washing-machine lid and set the temperature: after filling the washer with clothes, close the lid and then set the water temperature. It is recommended to use hot for white-clothes, warm for bright-clothes and cold for dark-clothes.
  3. Set the type of wash: the washing-machine is equipped with several washing-settings but it is recommended to use the gentle-cycle for delicate clothes while for most clothes you will have to use the regular-cycle.
  4. Turn on the washing-machine: switch-on your washing-machine and then let it run until the selected wash-setting is complete in order to achieve perfect results.



Fully-automatic washing machines make washing very easy whereby all you need to do is to add clothes and detergent into the drum and then choose the right wash-setting. Below are some of the steps to follow when using this type of washing-machine:

  1. Add clothes: begin by adding your sorted clothes and detergent into the drum of the washing-machine.
  2. Follow the user-manual: in case you are using a front-loading fully-automatic washer, then try to follow the instructions in the user-manual in order to know where to add the detergent (special-drawer). Likewise, you may put the detergent directly into the drum but read on the labels to the right dosage.
  3. Select the washing-setting: choose the right setting for your wash and then the washing-machine will do the rest. For example, clothes with a care-label indicate the washing-temperature and fabric-composition hence allowing the user to select the best wash-cycle.



A semi-automatic washing machine is a great time-saving appliance to have in any home although it has a lot of washing-controls. So read the steps provided below in order to get more information on how to use a semi-automatic washing-machine to clean clothes:

  1. Put clothes into the washing-machine: place dirty clothes into the washers drum and then add detergent. After, fill the drum with water at the required temperature-level. Additionally, follow the user-manual in order to know the amount of water to add into the washer depending on the amount or type of clothes.
  2. Select the ‘wash-cycle’: this is a basic wash-setting that can be used to clean-up any type of clothes. However, you should know that large-loads take more time wash-up compared to smaller-loads.
  3. Drain the dirty water: when the wash-cycle has completed, drain-out dirty water by using the hose and then refill the drum with fresh water.
  4. Select the ‘rinse-cycle’: switch-on the rinse-cycle and then the washing-machine will start to rinse-up your clothes. After the rinse-cycle, your clothes will be completely clean and then move to the next step.
  5. Select the ‘spin-cycle’: you will need to dry-up your clothes after the rinsing-process by simply spinning them. In fact, with a semi-automatic washer you will need to transfer your clothes from the washing-drum into a dryer incase your washer does not have the spinning-option. But a fully-automatic washer will automatically dry your clothes after rinsing them.
  6. Open the washer: when the spin-cycle is complete, open the washing-machine in order to remove your clothes immediately and you may hang them somewhere for thorough dry-up.



Try to test new-cloth fabric with water before putting these clothes into a washing-machine with other clothes in case you’re concerned about color-bleeding because it can greatly damage other clothes.

Most washing-machines are equipped with several settings and it’s for this reason that you should check the labels on clothes in order to figure-out the wash-setting that works best for a particular item.

The ‘gentle-cycle’ has a slower spin-speed and does not agitate clothes quickly like the regular-cycle. This means that the gentle-cycle should be used on clothes labeled ‘hand-wash’ only or ‘delicate’ while using cold-water and mild-detergent.

Normal wash-cycles should be used when cleaning more sturdy fabric like cotton and polyester. But use hot-water to wash white-clothes and warm-water to wash colored-clothes while using the wash-cycle.

Treat stained-clothes by using a stain-remover before placing such clothes into a washing-machine. Additionally, remember to check the pockets of your clothes in order to remove any left items if any before placing the clothes into a washing-machine.

Vanilla Farmer, Amazon Retailer & Tech Researcher. Yosaki is my personal blog but I'm working on some big tech project back doors. I will keep on posting various topics on things I have knowledge about.

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