Importance Of Technology In Classroom

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In the old-days, teachers used chalks and books to carryout lessons in classroom but today things have changed a lot within the educational-sector whereby schools are now using cutting-edge technological tools to conduct lessons in classrooms. In fact technological-gadgets like laptops and tablets have gradually replaced textbooks while the internet enables teachers and students to make research on anything in real-time without reading a lot of books. On the other hand, the use of technology in classrooms has greatly changed the way teachers’ carryout lessons and the way students learn whereby this has helped to make education more exciting and applicable. all in all, students who are familiar with using technology today have better chances of becoming successful in future due to the changing job-environment that requires people with some knowledge on technology and that’s why schools that haven’t integrated technology into their classrooms are highly recommended to start using technology inorder to provide their student with a great future.  So, below are some of the detailed benefits of using technology in classrooms and I think they will of great use to reader.

The Benefits of using technology in classroom:

  1. Technology helps to prepare students for the future job-market: using technology in classrooms actually helps to prepare students for the digital job-market in the future thus enabling them to live a better life when they have grown-up. In fact, in this century technological-skills are very essential inorder for someone become successful since most jobs today need people who have some knowledge on operating technological-tools like; computers, printers, smartphones and a lot more. So, the use of technology in classrooms at early-stages will help to prepare students for the competitive future that includes increasing digital trends even at work.
  2. Technology improves on the retention-rate of students: using technology-tools to carryout lessons in classrooms actually helps to improve on the retention-rate of students. In fact, students in schools that use advanced-technologies in classroom tend to perform better than students in schools that are still using old teaching-methods. This is mainly because technology helps to improve on interaction between teachers and fellow student when in classroom and this helps students to easily remember what they have been taught. All in all, it’s highly recommended for schools to integrate some technologies into their classrooms inorder to improve on the teaching-learning process so that both teachers and students benefit.
  3. Technology enables students to learn new-things independently: with the use of technology in classrooms, students will be able to make research and learn new things independently by simply using their computers or tablets. In fact, this is a great thing because students will tend to share the new things they have learnt with others thus making the learning process more efficient and effective than never before. On top of that, learning new things independently will actually save teachers a lot of time and even stress that would have been caused by students asking a lot of questions when in classroom. All in all, technology enables students to read closely, think and even dig deeper than never before.
  4. Technology helps to widen the students mind or knowledge-base: with use of technology in classrooms, students will be able to make detailed research on different topics using their laptops or tablets and this will actually enable them learn new things that were not taught by teachers. Additionally, this even saves teachers a lot of time that they would have spent explaining certain topics when in classroom thus making education more efficient and effective than in the past.
  5. Technology helps to improve on communication in the classroom: with the use of technology in classrooms, teachers and students will be able to interact more efficiently and effectively than in the old-days. For example, students will be able to ask their teacher several questions when using power-point-technology inorder to understand a particular topic well. On top of that, even students who haven’t understood can ask for a replay or even ask other students about something they didn’t understand. This actually makes learning more fun and effective than in the past thus making technology a great addition to classrooms.
  6. Technology facilitates for learning needs of different students: every student learns and understands new-things in a different ways and technology actually helps all students in the classroom to learn new-things in their own way. For example, visual-learners will learn something new quickly by simply looking at the projected images, listeners will easily learn by listening to an audio-clip and the slow-learners will understand by simply viewing images and listening to audio-clips. All in all, technology has enabled different students with different understandings to learn new things easily and faster in the classroom than never before.
  7. Technology makes the classroom more fun and exciting: with the use of technology in classroom, students will be able to have more fun and excitement during their lectures and this actually helps to increase on their motivation to learn or study. In fact, students who use technological-tools in classrooms are more vibrant and creative than students that don’t have access to technology in their classrooms. All in all, the use of technological-tools in education helps to eliminate boredom in classrooms thus leading to an improvement in the teaching-learning process.
  8. Technology eliminates monotony in the classroom: with the integration of technology into classrooms, learning has been shifted from being teacher-centered to student (learner)-centered. In fact, with use of technological-tools in classrooms teachers mostly act as facilitators and not as instructors as it was in the old-days. This has actually enabled students to learn faster and effectively with reduced stress thus making education more exciting today.
  9. Technology makes learning flexible in classrooms: if students are allowed to use computers and tablets in the classroom, then this helps them make research on different topics and learn about new-things easily than never before. In fact, this will enable students to share knowledge on different topics when in classroom thus making learning more flexible and efficient than in the old-days.
  10. Technology helps schools and students to save a lot of money that could have been spent on traditional educational-tools: using technological-equipment in classrooms actually saves schools a lot of money that would have been spent on buying different textbooks to be used by teachers in classrooms. On top of that, technology also helps students to save-up lot of money that would have been spent on acquiring new textbooks, notebooks and pens. In fact, some schools allow students to go with laptops and tabs in classroom because these technological-devices can store a lot of educational-content and even facilitate for quick and easy access to content compared to textbooks. On the other hand, some schools provide teachers with laptops so that they don’t have to carry different textbooks to classroom. Additionally, schools that have integrated projectors or flat-screen TVs into classrooms actually save a lot of money that would have been spent on buying chalk or markers used on writing-boards.
  11. Technology provides students with updated educational-content: with the use of technology in classrooms, students will be able to access updated educational-content easily and faster than never before. In fact, the internet stores a lot of educational-content that is updated on regular-basis and this means that students will be able to access this content in their classrooms if they are equipped with laptops or tablets coupled with an internet-connection. This actually helps students to make research on different topic easily and with less help from their teachers. On the other hand, the internet can also help to provide teachers with updated information so that they provide students with up-to-date educational-content when carrying out lessons in classrooms.
  12. Technology facilitates for reduced workload: with technological-equipment integrated into classrooms, teachers no longer have to carry textbooks, markers or chalk to classrooms but they instead use their laptops and projectors or flat-screen TVs to conduct lessons. On the other hand, even student no longer have to carry textbooks and notebooks to school but they instead carry laptops and tablets that contain all the educational content they need when in classroom. This has actually reduced on the workload of teachers and students of this generation thus making studying more efficient and effective than in the past.
  13. Technology in classrooms equips students with different skills: integrating technology into classrooms actually helps to equip students with different skills which include; communication-skills, problem-solving skills, self-direction skills and researching-skills. In fact, all these skills help to make students more creative and innovative thus preparing them for the gradually changing job-market of the future.
  14. Technology improves on students focus in the classroom: when using technological-tools to conduct lessons in the classroom, students tend to be more focused and attentive on what is being taught. This actually helps students to learn new things easily and faster compared to old teaching-methods. In fact, technology helps to eliminate boredom within the classroom and that’s why students in schools that have integrated technology into classrooms tend to be more active and even perform better than students without technological facilities in their schools.
  15. Technology helps in assessment of students in classrooms: today, teachers actually use technological-tools and software to assess the performance and class-attendance of student’s inorder to facilitate for effective learning in schools. In fact, today schools are equipped with information-systems that store all students-data inorder to track their performance and attendance in class. So, teachers will be able to know what each student is more interested in order to guide him/her when it comes to choosing a career. All in all, these assessment tools will help to save teachers a lot of time that they would have spent assessing individual students.
  16. Technology actively engages students in the teaching-learning process: because technological-tools use videos, animations, diagrams and audio-clips to show students what is being taught, this helps to students to participate actively in class by asking-questions, answering-questions and making group-discussions easily. So, this has greatly led to the development of the teaching-learning process in the educational-sector today than in the old-days.
  17. Technology facilitates for quick and easy updating of information by teachers or professors: today, technology enables professors and teachers to easily update the educational-content they provide to their students faster than in the old-days. In fact, professors and teachers no longer have to waste a lot of time on writing and printing textbooks but they instead create digital-documents that can be edited and accessed easily by students. So, this has saved teachers a lot of time and money while providing students with updated information in real-time than never before.
  18. Technology facilitates for inter-class communication and discussions: with the use of advanced technologies in education today, classrooms are actually able to communicate with each other through video-conferencing and this actually enables students from different schools and locations to share different ideas and even learn new things easily. In fact, technology is making earth a global-village even in the educational-sector thus leading to an improvement in people’s lives globally.

Note: although using technology in classrooms has created a big impact in the teaching-learning process within the educational-sector today, it still comes with some serious disadvantages which include students access to inappropriate content like pornography when in class, reduced focus in classrooms since students can use computers for different tasks like playing games and listening to music, it has led to reduced communication in class due to use of chat-platforms and technology is even expensive to integrate into classrooms because advanced technological-equipment like computers, projectors and TVs are actually expensive. However, technology is changing the world quickly in the business, health and educational-sector and that’s its highly recommended to integrate technological advancements in schools today inorder to prepare students for the changing job-market. In conclusion, if you’re a school-administrator then you should consider implementing technological-advancements into your school inorder to gain a competitive-advantage over other schools that don’t use technology in their classrooms and if you’re a parent then consider taking your child to a school that is well equipped with technological-tools inorder to help your child prepare for the future job-market which requires people with some knowledge on how to operate technological-equipment.

Vanilla Farmer, Amazon Retailer & Tech Researcher. Yosaki is my personal blog but I'm working on some big tech project back doors. I will keep on posting various topics on things I have knowledge about.

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