Examples Of Modern Technologies And Their Effects

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Modern technology mainly is defined as the advancement of the old or already existing technology like for example let’s take a look at the mobile phone technology that has greatly evolved with time in that today we now have Smart phones that have been an advancement from an ordinary mobile phone. Today, technology is being used in a number of different ways making its impact un measureable and some of these ways have caused harm to our lives or just in the society that we live in. some of the ways in which we use modern technology include; travelling, learning, communicating, business and comfort life and so much more. It is for that reason why our demand for technology keeps on rising almost on a daily. But we shouldn’t also forget that this modern technology has come with a number of concerns due to its poor application which has caused pollution of the environment as well as serious threats to the society and people. That is why we need to use technology well. However there has been a challenge in the determination of the type of future technology that is required and then after go ahead and then develop the relevant technologies that will make the way people do things much easier. Below we are going to explore some of the examples of modern technology and how it has been able to create an impact on the society;


  1. Easy information access technology: today through technology, it is very easy for people to gain access to various types of relevant information at any particular time from anywhere. Remember information is power and the people that find it and make good use of it are always the successful ones. What makes this possible is through the different modern technologies today like for instance Broadband internet. There are also other sites like Wikipedia and Youtube that contains lots of data that are published and indexed online and they are built with original content that can be used by different people for the purpose of entertainment or research. There are also now smart gadgets like the iPhone, iPad and galaxy tablet that lets the users easily have access to information through the internet. Through these gadgets you can get access to information anywhere anytime like for instance if you are on a train, you can still be able to read breaking news as you travel or buy and sell stocks while in your bedroom while making use of the internet. Although this makes life very easy, we should also know that it has affected the society in a negative way in that people have become so addicted to some of these gadgets and some of them end up using it for the wrong purposes like hacking, stealing, plagiarizing and so much more.
  2. Convenient education system: if there is a something that is a part of our daily lives then it’s definitely learning. There is something new to learn daily especially if you are very intentional. Today, modern technology has made all this easy allowing students to be able to learn conveniently from anywhere anytime through the online education and mobile education systems.  The majority of the schools have also started integrating educational technologies in their schools with the main aim of improving the way students learn. An example is you will now find students using iPads to share visual lessons and also there are peers in the classroom. It is for that reason why people now find education very fun and are able to learn better. In schools today, you will find smart whiteboards, mobile phones, computers, tablets and so much more being used in classrooms so as to boost on the learning morals of the students. An example is through the visual education technology that has proved to be the best way of learning especially when it comes to subjects like physics, mathematics, economics, biology and others. Another example is through iTunes in which you will find many educational applications that let students as well as teachers exchange academic information.
  3. Improved communication system: if there is anything that you can’t avoid or live without then its communication…it’s like the center of everything we do as we can’t develop without it. We are so lucky to have been blessed with modern technology through the creation of advanced communication tools like for instance electronic mail, video conferencing, e-fax machines, instant text messaging applications, mobile phones and social networking applications. Both the organizations and the society highly depend on technology in a number of ways but mainly to assist them transfer information. There are also electronic media like the televisions, internet, radios and so on that have highly improved on the way in which we exchange ideas that can assist us develop our societies. There are many countries that have made use of mainly television and radios to assist them be able to voice the concerns of the society through organizing forums in which the community are allowed to make contributions through voicing their concerns while using mobile mobiles or other text services like tweeter. Even the small businesses can make use of this improved communication mainly through the internet and mobile communication technologies to assist them greatly grow and improve on their customer service.
  4. Mechanized agriculture: today, we have mechanized the agricultural sector in a way that a small number of people are able to grow a large quantity of food within a shorter period of time while utilizing less input thus resulting into high yields and Return On Investments. There are also government subsidies that let the small and the medium sized farmers be able to acquire sowing, plough, harvesting and watering machines. Through technology, people are also now able to manufacture genetic crops that have the ability to grow very fast and also they are more resistant to pests and diseases. Another example of modern technology is through the artificial fertilizers that farmers are now able to easily access so as to add value to their soil and afterwards boost the growth of their crops. This has led to the production of high quality yields. The farmers that are now in dry areas through modern mechanized agriculture are also now able to grow healthy crops through making use of an advanced water pump along with sprinklers that is used to derive water from the rivers to their farms. For instance Egypt farmers are now able to use this automated sprinklers to irrigate their farms making them produce a lot of rice and yet we all know Egypt is a desert country. They obtain their water from the river Nile on a daily basis and that is how they have managed to produce very healthy and nice rice.
  5. Technology advancement in medicine and health care: there is no doubt that technology has greatly assisted today when it comes to saving very many innocent lives. This is because scientists have advanced on the human medicines and health sciences. It is for that reason why medical students and scientists have resorted to using medical technological tools to assist them carry out wide-ranging research on human health problems and the challenges too. This wide-ranging research had resulted into the development of new drugs and even treatments that have assisted in curing most of the challenging human diseases and this has also assisted in saving so many lives thereby prolonging the lifespan of the humans. Let me give you an example of some of these advanced medical technological tools and how they have assisted us. First is the smart phone ultrasound that was developed using the $100,000 that was provided by Microsoft. What the experts from the Washington University decided to do was to integrate a USB-based ultrasound probe by means of a smart phone. Their main purpose was to be able to develop a simple hand sized Ultrasound device that is able to facilitate doctors in the remote areas to image the kidney, arteries, bladder, veins and eyes of the patient so that they can easily detect any form of infections. This is an excellent choice especially for the developing countries as it can easily assist save lives. An example of health care technologies is through the Nanocomposite contact lenses which are used to treat diabetic people, the multimodality chips technology that is used to detect prostate cancer, robotic surgeons, neuroprosthetic chips that are used to prevent seizures and then control artificial limbs while using the mind and so much more.
  6. Improved housing and lifestyle: the houses and the kind of lifestyle that we live today are another form of modern technology. This is because when you look at the kind of housing that we used in the 1900 and then make comparisons to the one of today, then you will notice that there is a very big comparison or difference in the architecture. In these modern times, the improved architectural technology has greatly improved the kind of houses that we do construct. If you have a lot of money, you can now afford in live luxuriously like for example there are now people that can afford living in town floating houses and there are others that can afford to live in glass homes which weren’t there in the past. Also you will realize that most of the items are now automated like for instance there is a new technology in which the doors are able to use fingerprints raising on the level of security. There are also now remote webcams technologies in which you can make use of to monitor whatever goes on in your home even while you are away.
  7. Supports innovation and creativity: there is a way technology has a way in which it can greatly spark the brain to operate according to its full potential. Well previously it was very difficult to begin a business because people had to have a lot of capital and also people had very limited access to business information. However that has changed today because one can even begin a business from the comfort of their home. For example a company like lets people who are creative to sell their work or innovations online and this way it greatly encourages creativity. Another good choice of example is the that is used to assist people that are creative get funds for their personal projects through a crowd funding. Through such a platform, the people that are creative are able to create post projects for seeking funds from the community and this will assist them be able to generate a lot of cash for your good ideas that later leads to the creation of new jobs. Since I can’t look at all of the examples in details, let me just provide you with some few top brands that have greatly facilitated technology and among these are; Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and so much more.
  8. Improved on entertainment: there is no uncertainty that technology has greatly played a very important role in advancing the entertainment industry. There are now video games, visual systems for instance smart television that lets people connect live to the internet so that you can share what you are watching with your loved ones or friends and advanced music that lets you enjoy great entertainment. Today through modern technology, people also now have easy access and storage of music through the services like the iTunes to help them purchase as well as download music on their iPods at a very small cost. This is not only a win for the person downloading or accessing this music but also to the musicians because these musicians are now able to easily sell their music through iTunes while the users are lucky because they can have access to a very wide selection of the kind of music to purchase without having any kind of troubles like for instance having to go through a physical music store.


Vanilla Farmer, Amazon Retailer & Tech Researcher. Yosaki is my personal blog but I'm working on some big tech project back doors. I will keep on posting various topics on things I have knowledge about.

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