Robots in Education: How Robots Will Transform How Students Learn

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Today, many scientists have predicted the rise of robots in every sector including education. In fact, robots with artificially intelligent (AI) will be able to replace human workers in the nearby future and this will involve teachers because experts believe that technology and robotics can greatly change education for the better of students. Additionally, with the use of robotics, everyone in the world will be able to receive equal access to a quality education no-matter education-level. On top of that the increased use of technology has led to an increased need to more qualified teachers who are very few today yet robots can provide quality education without a hustle. All in all, robots or AI-enhanced entities will solve our most pervasive and systemic issues in education in-order to provide education of a standard higher than any available today.



How Robots Will Transform How Students Learn:

  1. Robots will replace teachers: According to education-experts, with 10-years students will be taught by robots powered by artificial intelligence. In fact, these robots will adapt to each students’ understanding in order to provide extraordinarily and inspirational teaching available for all. So, just imagine having schools whereby every student has the world’s greatest teacher for every subject.


  1. A revolutionized curriculum: In the next 20-years, all jobs could be taken-up by robots because they are better at numerical tasks. So, schools will have to opt for a revolutionized curriculum where students are taught mostly social, creativity, communication, emotional and problem-solving skills. For example, Maths lessons could focus on how to use numbers to creatively solve problems and puzzles.


  1. Exams/Tests done on the internet: With the use robots in schools, students will be allowed to use the internet for taking tests or exams. In fact, by 2050 things like handing over your mobile phone before starting an exam could be long gone.


  1. Virtual schools will teach millions of students: The internet will turn the whole world into a classroom. In fact, experts believe that schools will use cloud-based services to teach students in virtual classrooms across the globe but later physical-classrooms may cease to exist whereby students will be working in real-world spaces like; laboratories and libraries.


  1. Robots will prepare students for a digital workplace: Robots using AI to conduct micro-degrees and a modern curriculum will help to prepare young people for the digital workplace compared to human teachers. Additionally, students will also be able to select short online courses in digital skills like coding which can actually be transferred directly to certain careers.


  1. Equal access to quality education: with the use of robots in schools, all students around the globe will be able to receive equal access to quality education with instructions from qualified robotic-teachers. This will actually make the world a one-place center for every human.


  1. Free primary and secondary education: with the use of robots in schools, all students will be able to receive completely free primary and secondary education because robots are not paid a monthly fee like teachers. However, it will take a lot of time and money to automate an entire profession but after the initial development-costs, schools-administrators won’t have to worry about paying digital teachers but instead save-up some little money for needed updates to education facilities.


  1. Robots don’t make mistakes or delays: Digital teachers (robots) won’t need days-off and will never be late for work like human-teachers. In fact, school-administrators will only upload any available changes to the curricula across an entire fleet of AI instructors and these robots will deliver without even making any mistake. Additionally, if robots are programmed correctly, they won’t show any bias towards students based on gender, race, socio-economic status, personality-preference or other considerations.


  1. Robots will act as an extra pair of hands in the classroom: Robotic-Assistants could manage tasks such as taking attendance or routine grading and even help teachers generate new lessons by automatically navigating online teaching resources in order to find lesson-plans most likely to resonate with a classroom basing on the details of students and a school’s specific curriculum. Additionally, robots will greatly decrease on the workload of teachers thus relieving them of daily school-stress.


  1. Robotics will also replace administrative staff: Artificial intelligence will also be used to replace administrative staff and the saved revenue will be used to provide investment opportunities like; lower tuition, upgraded facilities, increased financial-aid and development of a new, innovative curriculum for the future economy.


  1. Robots will be able to multi-task: Robots will be able to multi-task by simply teaching different subjects in the same classroom thus saving schools a lot of money that could have been used for paying different teachers. In fact, any Robot can be programmed to provide different tasks any time hence making Artificial-intelligence very efficient and effective compared to teachers.

Vanilla Farmer, Amazon Retailer & Tech Researcher. Yosaki is my personal blog but I'm working on some big tech project back doors. I will keep on posting various topics on things I have knowledge about.

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