How To Choose A Home Water Filter

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There are actually several benefits of filtering your own water when at home and the fact is that filtering water is very simple from a health and economic perspective but choosing the right filter to use at home is your duty. In fact, there are different  filtration-systems which include; a water-filtration pitcher, an under-sink filter and a whole-house filter hence it’s very important for the user to know which type water-filter he/she is choosing and why. On the other hand, concerns about tap-water quality continue to rise and this is why different manufacturers have introduced many water-filtration systems to the market. So, try to follow this simple step-by-step guide in order to find the best home water filter that will fulfill your needs.

RELATED:- What Is The Best Water Filter System



  1. Research about POE and POU filtration-systems: there are actually 2-major types of water-filters currently available for home-use. A whole-house/point-of-entry (POE) filtration-system will help to treat all the water that enters your home and it’s usually connected to a water-meter or pressurized storage-tank. On the other hand, a point-of-use (POU) filtration-system helps to treat water at a point where it is being consumed like at the sink-tap or shower. In fact, POU-filters can be attached or installed inline so that the water passing through the pipe is filtered before consumption. All in all, it’s upon the user to select a filtration-system that works best in fulfilling his water-filtering needs.


  1. Learn about the different types of POU-systems available: point-of-use filter are commonly used in homes and they actually come in different formats in order to fulfill your filtration preferences. In fact, these filters include; pitcher-filters, personal water-bottles with built-in filters and refrigerator-filters. Additionally, these filtration-systems can either be mounted onto the faucet, under the sink or on the countertop depending on what the user prefers. However, some people who don’t like filters attached to countertop or faucet should try searching for a POU-filter type that suits their needs.


  1. Know what’s contaminating your water: finding-out what is actually contaminating your tap-water will help you decide whether you need to target any specific contaminants while choosing a filtration-system. In fact, the Environmental-Protection-Agency (EPA) requires water-companies to provide a consumer-confidence-report (CCR) annually and this actually analyzes the water-quality in your area/region. Additionally, this information is even available on your local-government website or newspaper. On the other hand, if you see visible particles in your water, then this can be rust or sediment and also houses that rely on wells often have bacteria in water. In fact, the contaminants of your water will depend on your home water-source.


  1. Evaluate the specific water-filtration needs basing on the contaminants in your water: in case you have a family that consumes several gallons of water per day, then a single carafe-style filter-system will need to be constantly refilled but for a smaller-family or couple, a simple-filter will met its water-needs. On the other hand, if contaminates in the water are very toxic, then you probably need POE-filter in order to clean all the water coming into your house. However, if you’re only filtering the water for taste or drinking, then a POU-filter attached onto the faucet will work perfectly.



  1. Choose a filter certified by National-Sanitation-Foundation (NSF): try to buy a water-filter certified by the NSF because it was actually designed to reduce on the contaminants found in water. Additionally, in case you happen to know the contaminants found in your home-water then you may decide to buy a filtration-system based on cleaning your water effectively for best results. In fact, when choosing a filter to buy, try checking the NSF’s online database to see whether the filters you’re considering are certified. The database will actually ask for the manufacturer/brand and other information in order to check for the safety of the filter.


  1. Consider the maintenance-costs: water filtration-systems need to be periodically replaced in order to remain functioning properly and this is why you should actually consider the cost of maintaining or replacing a water-filter when making a purchase. In fact, whether you are shopping online or in a local-store there are always manufacturer-recommendations on when a filter needs to be changed or maintained. So, try to choose a filter that you can afford to maintain.


  1. Buy the water-filter: after, choosing the water-filter that meets your home-water filtration needs, make a purchase and you may also decide to buy a longer warranty and extra filter-parts.


  1. Install the water-filter: take the filter home and then install it in accordance to the manufacturer instructions. In fact, most POE and POU filter-systems are easy to install but you may also decided to hire a professional to install a water-filter for you. Additionally, some POU water-filters require the user to run some water through the filter-tank before consumption for best results. All in all, the best thing to do is to read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing a water-filter.


  1. Keep-track of when the water-filter needs to be replaced: in case you use a water-filter for long and don’t change/maintain it when it’s supposed to be replaced, then your water won’t come out clean anymore because it will not be filtered effectively. So, try to use a calendar or any other reminder to keep track of when you need to change the water-filter.



  • No matter the brand/type of water-filter you choose to buy, just remember or be sure to replace the filter-cartridges according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. In fact, a filter-cartridge generally needs to be replaced every 6-months to a year with normal-use because there is variation amongst different filters.
  • Always choose a water-filter you can afford to maintain for best results. In fact, the cost of replacing a filter system or cartridge can range from $20-$400 depending on the water-filter you have.
  • Don’t buy a water-filter that is not certified by the NSF and don’t even choose a filter that will not clean the contaminants found in your home-water.
  • In case the contaminants in the water are very toxic, then you should consider purchasing a POE-filter in order to clean all the water coming into your house.
  • If you discover that your home-water does not contain contaminants, then you may consider not purchasing a water-filter.

Vanilla Farmer, Amazon Retailer & Tech Researcher. Yosaki is my personal blog but I'm working on some big tech project back doors. I will keep on posting various topics on things I have knowledge about.

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