What Are The Components Of A Technological System

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A technological system is defined as a system that helps to take an input, changes it according system-use and then produces an outcome. Additionally, a technological system is made-up of components that work together to transform, transport, store or control materials, energy and information. Lastly, a technological system works on its own once it’s given an appropriate input thus that implies that you don’t have to-do anything for this system to work.


Components Of A Technological System:

  1. Goals: Any technological-system is designed to meet an actual goal. For example, a clock was developed to determine time and this has actually enabled people to always do things on time. In fact, the goals that any technology can meet are numerous and complex like some clocks can even show the date and this makes them multi-purpose. So, any technological-system should be developed to meet different goals which are of importance to different groups of people.


  1. Inputs: These are elements that flow into a system and are then consumed or processed by the system. In fact, technological-system also features different inputs which include people, tools, materials, energy, information, finances and time. All these input-components are required to operate any technological system such as a car, printing-press airplane, etc. Lastly, all natural and human-made systems have inputs that enable them to operate fully.


  1. Materials: All technological-systems involve using physical things like; structures, tools, vehicles and a lot more. In fact, materials are all natural matter that is directly or indirectly used by a system. Additionally, these materials provide the structure for technological-devices while other materials support the productive actions of a system. So, materials can be used to package, store-data, protect-products and a lot more.


  1. Energy: All technological-systems and activities require energy which exists in different forms. In fact, energy can range from human-power to nuclear-power and heat-energy to sound-energy. So, energy is the ability to-do work and technological-systems need energy to convert, transmit and apply different tasks. For example, the energy of running-water can be converted into electrical energy by a hydro-electric generator, bulb can convert energy into light and a lot more.


  1. Tools: These are technical-means that must be present before we get technology. These can actually be simple hand-tools that require human-power for their operation or complex machines that help to amplify the speed amount, speed or direction of a given force. in fact, tools and machines are devices used to locate and extract resources, make products and other structures, communicate information, convert and transmit energy and even transport goods and people. All in all, technological-systems are characterized by tools and machines.


  1. Information: Organized data is referred to as information and it’s very essential for operating technological systems. For example, measuring the size and weight of everything found – is referred to as data-collection since it’s random and assorted. However, when you sort the collected data, height and weight are grouped differently – then this will turn into information.


  1. Finances: All technological inputs like materials, people, energy, tools and information have value and this implies that they must be purchased. On the other hand, the outputs of technology have value and can be sold out. So, finances are money and credit needed for an economic system. For example a technological product like a car or airplane requires materials to build the structure and these are purchased. The finished product will be sold to cover the production costs and the money that remains afterwards is called profit.


  1. Time: All activities or jobs actually take time and that’s why time is allocated to various tasks that need to be done. In fact, time should also be allocated to technological tasks whereby the most important ones should be completed first if time is not enough and the less-critical tasks can be postponed to a later date and time-phase. All in all, not all technological-systems that are needed can be developed immediately and that’s why most modern technologies take time to get into existence.


  1. Processes: The steps followed to complete technological-tasks are called processes. In fact, technology uses 2 major types of processes which include problem solving process and transformation process but there are also other several important processes as described below.
  • Problem solving process: The procedure used to develop technology is called the problem solving process. This process involves; identifying the problem, developing solutions to the problem, choosing the best solution, modeling and evaluating the solution and finalizing the solution.
  • Transformation-process: When a technological system is designed and built, it must be operated and this is referred to as transformation. So, this process involves getting resources needed to change or transform a key-input into a more usable form. For example, transforming petroleum into polyethylene.
  • Production-Process: This involves actions that are completed to perform the functions of a technological system. For example, a series of production-processes are used to produce an informational-system like a booklet. All in all, production-processes are used to change natural-resources into industrial into industrial materials, change materials into products/structures, transforms information into messages, convert form into energy and to use energy to power vehicles in-order to move people and goods.
  • Management-processes: These are actions used to ensure that the production process operates efficiently and appropriately. In fact, management processes involve 4-functions which include; planning, organizing, actuating and controlling.


  1. OutPuts: All technological-systems are designed to produce a specific output and this may be a manufactured-product, structure, and a communicated-message or transporting people/goods and a lot more. On the other hand, there are also less-direct and unwanted outputs produced by an operating technological system and these may include waste and scrap generated from manufacturing activities.


  1. FeedBack: This process involves using the information about outputs of a particular process/system in-order to regulate that system. For example, homes with heating-systems controlled by a thermostat enable the user to set the thermostat to a desired temperature and this implies that the thermostat will determine the necessary adjustments for a system.

Vanilla Farmer, Amazon Retailer & Tech Researcher. Yosaki is my personal blog but I'm working on some big tech project back doors. I will keep on posting various topics on things I have knowledge about.