What Is Technology – Full Definition & Examples (Essay)
What Is Technology?
Definition of Technology? – It is a branch of knowledge (techniques, methods, skills and processes) used in the design, production and utilization of goods and services to meet human needs. (It is designed and used by man)
EDITOR’S NOTE:- As you get to the end of this article / essay – you will be in position to define technology in terms of level of development, economic structure, number of people involved and the type of product / service produced. All examples featured in this article might change with time but you can use them as guides to fully understand each point I will try to explain.
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Description Of Technology:
I can describe technology in 4 different ways and these include;
- TANGIBLE TECHNOLOGY– commonly known as ubiquitous computing – a process whereby computing technology is embedded in the things we use in that it disappears. A good a example is a computer; what we see is a tangible surface however; various computing technologies where embedded within that computer for you to be in position to do whatever you want to do. Tangible technologies behave differently basing on the computing technology inside them. Learn more about Tangible technology here…..
- INTANGIBLE TECHNOLOGY – This involves problem-solving, consultancy and training methods.
- INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY – This is a method or a process which leads to self-actualization where present technology is improved through creative thought. At first you need to have technology and then think creatively on how to improve on the performance of that technology (thus making it intelligent) – I can relate this self development in humans (we already exist – but a certain degree of effort is required to become better people) – Intelligent / High end technology is almost automated.
- INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY – This is a semi-automated technology – it is partially intelligent. This type of technology is commonly used in developing countries where locally available resources are integrated with intelligent technology to produce end results.
Technology As a System:
Technology is a development and application of knowledge, tools, and human skills to solve problems and extend human potential. It is used to perform tasks that our human bodies can’t by use of knowledge, tools & human skills. I see technology as a human made system which shares common characteristics such as:
- It rises out of human needs.
- It is designed and developed by humans.
- It integrates resources to produce outputs.
- It has consequences for people, society and the environment at large.
- It is evaluated by humans.
- Can be modified / abandoned with time.
Now; that we have seen that technology is a human entity – designed to benefit people. It has both pros & cons but we shall discuss them as I conclude this essay. Let us look at some technological system components:
- GOALS: Since technology is developed to meet our needs. I would suggest that it is designed to reach a goal. A good example is a car. It is developed as a transportation system with a goal of moving people & goods from one location to another – so the primary goal here is transportation.
- INPUTS: – These are elements that flow into the system and are processed or consumed by the system. Technological systems have 7 inputs and these include; People (manage a technological system), Materials (consumed by the system), Tools(can be simple / complex), Energy (used to run tools / machines), Information (organized data used in operating a technological system), Finance (we have seen that a technological system requires people, materials, energy, information and tools; however, all these resources have value so they have to be financed in one way or another…) and Time (in detail I have covered inputs under a section for ‘’Inputs to technological systems – scroll below…..)
- PROCESSES: – We can’t have technology without taking action. There has to be a series of identifiable tasks and these include; Problem solving processes (this involves; Identifying the problem, developing solutions to the problem, Isolating and detailing the best solution to a problem, modeling and evaluating the solution and finalizing the solution), Transformation processes (once technological system is designed, it has to be built and operated – this process is seen as a transformation process) , Production processes (these are actions that are completed to perform the function of the technological system) and Management processes (these are actions that are used to ensure that the production processes operate efficiently and appropriately)
- OUTPUTS: – By default, all technological systems are designed to produce specific outputs and these might be manufactured products, built structures, communicated messages ……etc…
- FEEDBACK: – All technological systems are characterized by feedback. This process involves using information about the outputs of a system.
Types Of Technological Systems:
Technological systems support our daily lives through producing tools and devices which make up our world. These systems play a big role towards economic, health & political development worldwide. But what makes up a technological system?
- Level of development
- Economic structure
- Number of people involved
- Type of technology developed and used.
- LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT: – Since technology keeps on changing over time, its level of development will advance with time. Under ”Level of Development” we have 3 stages and these include (a) Obsolete technology (b) Current technology (c) Emerging technology.
(In the figure above, you can see the first air plane invented by Wright Brothers – But much as we still fly with an air plane, the concept and design has changed over time. In 2012 Virgin Atlantic invented a Glass bottom airplane ‘’one which allows to you to see what is below you as you enjoy your flight. What this image shows us is continuous change of technology, what we see as new/current technology today will be obsolete technology tomorrow.)
- Absolete technology: This is the type of technology which don’t meet human needs efficiently as it used to be in the past (they age out). People will still use it but on a very small scale – however, it won’t be used on mass production on products and services. Examples of absolete technologies include: Typewriters, Dial-up Modems, floppy disks, VHS, CDs , Portable DVD players …….see a full list here…..
- Current Technology:- This is the type of technology used to produce majority of products and services used in our daily lives today. I will not quote any example in this category because a few years from now it will be obsolete technology – so take whichever technology you’re using right now as current technology.
- Emerging Technology:- This is new technology which is not widely used to produce products and services. However, as time goes on – they might become popular and replace current technology. These technologies are always termed as ”High technologies”. They come at a huge cost in the beginning but with time they become affordable and applicable by anyone who needs them.
- ECONOMIC STRUCTURE:- We all know that technology is designed to serve people / humankind. It also plays a big role in our economic systems. With that in mind, technology can be seen in government institutions, private institutions and non-profit making organizations. The main purpose of technology is to help people.When it comes to economic developed, private enterprises they use it to grow their businesses through producing goods & services that people want. At the end of the day, private enterprises use technology to make a profit through meeting human needs. Under ”Economic Structure” let us look at 2 most important institutions and these include; (a)Profit-Centered Companies , (b) Government
- Profit-Centered Companies:- A profit centered company moves technology through 3 development stages to meet human needs and these include; (1) Research and development (a process which involves designing, developing and specifying the characteristics of the product, structure or service), (2) Production (this process involves designing and operating systems for producing end products, structures and services), (3) Marketing (this is the last process in a profit-centered company – it involves promoting, selling and delivering a finished product, structure and service to the end user / consumer)…..
On the other hand, all development stages listed above can be implemented without support and this support is provided in form of (1) Financial affairs (this involves getting money, physical resources and keeping financial records required by the systems management & (2) Industrial relations (requires setting up and managing programs so that relations between the profit making company, its workers and entire society / public are positive.)
- Government: – Sometimes technology required / demanded by the public is very expensive / risky to be developed by a private enterprise (profit-centered company). In such a scenario, the government steps in and invests massively to provide that technology to end users. In most cases, the government’s intention is not to make profit – but to serve its people. A good example is a communication satellite developed by NASA (an institution owned by the USA government). We’re all able to communicate and have all sorts of entertainment because of this satellite.
- NUMBER OF PEOPLE INVOLVED:- Technology can also be described by the number of people involved and how they work in a technological system. Since technology is developed by people – majority of them will develop technologies which address their personal challenges. For example, a carpenter can design his own workshop desk / tool – this will serve them alone (personal technology) not the all community.
On the other hand, we have technologies which are developed and applied by a group of people – commonly referred to as ‘’CORPORATE PARTICIPATION’’. In this sense, various people contribute towards the development of a specific technology (they compete against each other to create the best product). They work as a team, share the same vision and they all work towards a similar goal. A good example is a Telecom Company – we as consumers don’t get the chance to know what goes on back-door, but in reality; there is a big team of experts putting together different experiences and technologies to provide a good service to the end user.
- TYPE OF TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPED AND USED:- The best way of understanding technology is by categorizing it and knowing what each type of technology is used for. With that in mind – I have grouped technology in 4 types basing on human actions:
- Communication technology: The kind of technology used in communication – e.g. computers, cell phones…
- Construction technology: This is the type of technology used in construction – e.g. laser levels)
- Manufacturing technology: This is technology used in industries to manufacture products we use in our daily life.
- Transportation technology: I’m sure you all move from one place to another – however, transportation technology simplifies the all process – examples of transportation technology include; ships, cars, electric trains, aero-plane ……
NOTE: – All these 4 technologies use 7 basic inputs and these include (people, materials, tools, energy, information, finances and time)
Difference Between Technology And Innovation:
Innovation requires coming up with a new method of doing things (innovative thinking) – so it involves creating new things or new way of doing things. To invent or to be innovative – means you have to progress what has already been made – You Copy, Transform and Combine different technologies to create the unknown. Innovative thinking will require you to use available technologies and improve on the way they work. A good example is Mobile Communication Applications – like WhatsApp, the technology of text messaging was available bust some one thought creatively on how to use available technology to make text messaging simple & cheaper.
On the other hand, Technology is the application of known things (scientific knowledge) for practical purposes. Technological process may involve development of machinery & devices using scientific knowledge (this means you need to have scientific knowledge for you to develop new technologies) – Technology can only exist when you have scientific knowledge. You can be an innovator even when you don’t know science – as long as you can figure out how technology can be changed to solve a specific problem – however, to archive your goals; you will need assistance from a person with scientific knowledge. A good example is (Steve Jobs – Inventor & Steve Wozniak (engineer & programmer)
Inputs To Technological Systems:
In brief, inputs are resources that are used to make the system operate. These are elements that are changed by technological processes. Inputs are grouped into 7 major categories and these include;
(a) People (b) Machines and Tools (c) Information (d) Energy (e) Finance (h) Time
In summary, let us look at each input featured above:
- PEOPLE: We have to consider humans as the most important input to technological systems because everything in a technological system is run and managed by people. We create and design these systems and at the same time determine their outputs. Since people are needed in each step of technological development, they are regarded as fundamental inputs to technology. Human abilities can be classified according to their knowledge and experience, for example, (1) Creative thinkers – people with the ability to create and design a technological system – a good example of a creative designer is ‘’Steve Jobs’’. (2) Scientists – people who develop the basic knowledge required in the developing of processes & products. The work of a scientist is applied by two types of experts and these include; engineers & technologists – these two will put together their knowledge to create a technological system. (3) Engineers – they apply scientific & technological knowledge in the design of products, structures & systems. Engineers determine the right materials & processes required in the production process. (4) Technologists – they give assistance to manufacturing and construction personnel to apply engineering designs and solve production problems. They also maintain technological systems (in most cases these experts are called technicians or mechanics) (5) Workers – we have different types of workers and these include; Skilled workers ‘’these are highly skilled individuals with knowledge and experience – they commonly operate technological systems & machines like computers – can also be used to maintain complex systems / products. Unskilled workers – these perform tusks which require minimum experience / training but they are also part of a technological system. Semi skilled workers – these perform tusks which require limited amount of training ‘’semi skilled workers can operate machines, assemble products and at the same time service equipments’’ but they will need some training to perform these tusks. (6) Management – these organize and direct the work of others. In most cases, managers set goals of the company, structure tasks to be completed, assign work and monitor results. (7) Consumers – this is the last group of people involved in a technological system. They don’t get involved directly in the development of products & services but they play a very big role because whatever is developed or delivered by a technological system is aimed at meeting their needs. So creative thinkers, engineers, technologists, skilled workers and managers all work to meet the needs of a consumer.
- MACHINES & TOOLS:- A technological system is run by humans using machines. This means that humans alone can’t not make a technological system complete. They need help from machines / tools to perform various tusks in the production process of goods & services. Every tusk calls for a specific tool / machine. Tools are simple devices used to perform basic tasks for example; measuring tools, cutting tools, drilling tools, pounding tools, polishing tools ….etc…….Machines are a combinations of tools and mechanisms to form complex devices. Technological machines can be grouped into 3; (Material processing machines, Information processing machines and Energy processing machines).
- INFORMATION: – A technological system runs on human knowledge which is derived from data and information. Data are raw facts and figures that are collected by people and machines. Information is data that has been sorted and categorized for human use – so in this case data works as a raw material for information. Information can be classified into three groups and these include; Scientific information – it describes the natural world, Technological information – describes the human made world (this is organized data about the design, production, operation, maintenance, and service of human made products & structures), Humanities Information – it describes how people interact with society & the values held by individuals & groups of people.
- ENERGY:- All technological systems use energy – it can be human energy or mechanical energy. There are a number of types of energy and these include; Chemical, Electrical, Thermal, Radiant, Mechanical, Acoustical / Sound, and Nuclear energy which is produced by splitting atoms. Sources of energy include; Inexhaustible (sun), Exhaustible (petroleum) and Renewable.
- FINANCES:- You can’t sustain / get people, machines, information and energy without finance. Technological systems require finance to acquire all the other inputs mentioned above. For example, People have to be paid wages, Machines have to be purchased and serviced, Materials have to be purchased…..etc….Money is a fundamental input in a technological system….it’s more like the fuel of a technological system because without money nothing is possible. You can obtain money through using personal saving, loans or crowd financing.
- TIME: – We have only 24 hours in a day so we have to plan for our time very well if we’re to see a successful technological system. You can buy all inputs to technological systems except time, once it’s gone, it’s gone….You have to plan on how to use your time because it is a valuable resource for technological systems.
Technological Processes:
Now that we have seen that a technological system has inputs, outputs and processes. Let’s have a detailed look at PROCESSES and learn how they affect a technological system. Processes are what happen within a system. ”They convert inputs into outputs”. A technological process starts by designing a product to solve a problem, after that we go to a transformation stage (where a designed product is developed) and at last we go to management. In Brief let me explain each stage in a technological process:
- DESIGN PROCESS: This stage involves lots of steps and these include; (a) identifying a problem or an opportunity because technology is designed to solve human needs – this means whoever wants to design a technological product has to know what people need otherwise no one will use it. (b) Developing different / multiple solutions to solve a particular problem – this gives a designer a wide selection of choices when solving a problem…..(c)Isolating and detailing the best solution – since the designer has multiple choices; he/she will weigh them and opt for the best solution to solve a problem. (d)Modeling and evaluating the selected solution – here a designer digs deep into a selected solution to make sure nothing is left out. (e) Communicating the final solution – this is the final stage in a design process. A designer submits in drawings and all necessary information required in the production process – specifications might include things like materials required, machines, labor, finance and management.
- PRODUCTION PROCESSES: – These are actions that create the physical solution to the problem / opportunity in question. At this stage, products are produced, structures are constructed, and communication systems are developed and tested. Production process move the solution described by the design process into a tangible solution.
- COMMINCATION PROCESS: – By default, a technological process can’t take place if people working on it are not communicating. The exchange of information within a technological organization speeds up production and it also makes it easy to manage a technological process / system. Information can be shared through word of mouth, graphics, text messages, email, telephone and so much more…..
- MANAGEMENT PROCESSES:– The main importance of management is to provide vision for a technological process. It involves developing goals and objectives. Management takes care of finance, marketing of the outputs, sustaining production, improving of products / services to meet current demands by consumers and so much more. Functions of management include; Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Control.
Other technological process include; Construction processes, Manufacturing processes and Transportation processes.
Types Of Technology:
We have different types of technology – all developed to make our daily lives easier – these include; (1) Information technology, (2) Productivity technology, (3) Communication technology, (4) Assistive technology, (5) Instructional technology, (6) Educational Technology, (7) Transportation technology, (8) Medical technology, (9) Business technology . Briefly, let me explain about each type of technology mentioned above and at the same time give you examples so that you can clearly understand each type of technology.
- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:- This is the use of information systems (such as computers) to store, retrieve,send and manipulate information / data. According to Wikipedia – Information technology is believed to be a subset of information and communications technology. We deal with information on a daily basis but to transmit it effectively (in real time) and to store it safely we need high end technologies tailored for this purpose. We use computers to store and deliver data / information. These computers use specific applications and software to process / manipulate information so that end users can easily understand / interpret delivered information. Examples of applications used in processing information include; databases, Transactional systems like (web servers, email Servers) and so much more. Examples of information technology systems include: Computers, Telephone & Radio equipment, Alexa, Software, Computer Hardware, Data Networks, Voice response systems….etc…
- PRODUCTIVITY TECHNOLOGY: – This is the type of technology which improves on the output of services and goods produced by a cooperation / business. Productivity is computed as a ratio of output to input in the production of goods & services. It can be increased by reducing the amount of labor, capital and materials used in producing goods & services. Productivity technology is used to increase output at a lower cost because machines are used produce goods & services. It has its pros and cons – for example, ”PRO” as a business owner, you will save lots of cash because your output will increase yet you will spend less money on labor – ”CON” since machines will replace humans – this will result into massive unemployment.
- COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY:- Is a system that uses technical means to transmit information / data from one place to another or from one person to another. Today we have different types of communication technologies and the most popular systems include; Mobile Messaging Applications (such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Skype,) Telecommunication systems and Electronic Mail systems. Communication is used for a number of purposes and these include exchange of ideas, convey ideas and express emotions. Types of communication in a technological world include; Human-to-human communication, Machine-to-human communication, Human-to-machine communication and Machine-to-machine communication. Communication technology is used to deliver information which can be divided into 4 main categories: (1) Printed graphic communication, (2) Photographic communication, (3) Telecommunication, (4) Technical graphic communication…..
- ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY:- These are products, systems and equipment that enhance / improve on the learning, working and daily lives of persons with disabilities. Assistive technology can be in-form of computers, software or hardware – its main purpose is to increase productivity and improve on the functional abilities of persons with disabilities. It can be used to help people who can’t speak, walk, write, type, remember, see, hear, learn, walk and so much more. Since disabilities differ from one person to another, you will find that different assistive technologies are required to help a specific group of people. Examples of assistive technologies include; (1) Mobility impairments such as (Wheelchairs, Transfer devices, Walkers. Prosthesis), (2) Visual impairments such as (Screen readers, Braille and Braille embossers, Desktop video magnifier, Screen magnification software, Large-print and tacticle keywords, Navigation Assistance), (3) Hearing impairments such as (Hearing aids, Assistive listening devices, Amplified telephone equipment), (4) Cognitive impairments such as (Memory aids, Educational Software).
- EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY:- It is the use of physical hardware and educational theoretics to facilitate learning and improve performance. It is comprised of tools and media that assist in the learning & teaching process – these tools help in the transfer of knowledge from one end to another. Examples of educational technology include; Mobile Learning (Remind101 App …it helps teachers stay in touch with students in real time…), Social Media, Tablet Computing, Wikis, Blogs, and so much more….
Advantages Of Technology:
- ON SOCIETY: – Technology has completely changed our daily lives. Humans can’t do without it simply because it makes life easier. We use technology at home, in business, education, healthcare, in security, construction and so much more.
- Access To Education & Related Materials – it has become very easy to access educational content through the internet and many students have overcome geographical location problems through long distance online learning.
- Home security – new technologies that can keep your home safe have been improved and made affordable – for example, ”Ring Video Doorbell for your Smartphone” can help you answer the door from anywhere on the planet – this means you don’t have to miss-out on your visitors when you’re not at home.
- Easy to start a business:- Unlike in the past when you had to have lots of cash and connections to start a business – today all you need is internet and a few tools to start a global business. Access to business information and tools has become easy and cheap in that people living in third world economies can have the same opportunities like those in the first world economies.
- Improvement in transportation: – Transportation systems have been evolving over time…..This has made it easy to move goods across borders at an affordable cost and at the same time it has boosted the agricultural industry because companies which deal in fresh fruit exports find it easy to export their produce worldwide without worrying about massive losses. Examples of improved transport systems include; Railway systems (Bullet trains), Air transport (Airbus A380 – it serves as the largest passenger Aircraft), Automobile and so much more…..
- Easy communication:– Communication is an essential factor in our lives; Humans understand each other through communication. Technology has made it simpler and faster to communicate. Today we have mobile applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Massenger, Skype – these make it easier to communicate thus leading to growth of small businesses and relationships.
- IN BUSINESS: – For any business to succeed in this 21st century, it has to embrace technology because it increases on the output yet it reduces on the money spent on labor & time. Small business can use advanced technology to compete with large corporations. A good example of this is WhatsApp mobile chatting company which was acquired by Facebook Inc – This small company had limited resources and capital but it was in position to compete with Facebook Inc through technological advancements. Briefly; let us go through the advantages of technology in Business.
- Increases Output & Productivity:- Since technological tools & machines don’t get tired & bored of doing the same thing day-after-day, you will notice an increase in output and productivity of your business. However small your business might be, technology will help it grow because one machine can do job which would be done by 10 Men. Also the quality of produced goods and services will be good as compared to what can be produced by humans – simply because there is less room for errors.
- Easy communication at the workplace:- By default information has to flow easily within an organization. Managers can easily send and receive information from all levels of an organization/business by use of electronic mail, video chat applications, text massage applications and telephone. A smooth flow of information at the workplace can result into high productivity and improved relationship between employees and business owners..
- Reduces Costs:- The initial cost of implementing / using modern technology in a business might be high but in the long run it becomes cheap because a business owner won’t be spending much on labor yet at the same time output & productivity will increase thus making lots of profits. Return on investment when a business uses technology is more likely to be high as compared to when they employ humans.
- Improves customer to business relationship:- In the past, it used to be very difficult for businesses to gather / collect information about their customers so that they serve them basing on their interests. Businesses used to opt for ”Direct Mail Marketing” which wasn’t as effective as online surveys and customer feedback platforms. But today a business owner can socially interact with people interested in his / her products via social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. Online social interactions help both businesses and customers get what they want.
- Easier Storage: You don’t have to keep large amounts of paper work at your workplace anymore. All business documents can be processed electronically and stored securely in cloud servers. A small business can take advantage of free storage cloud services like and keep all their documents safe and accessible from anywhere on any mobile device / computer. At a small fee of $8.25 a month you can get 1 TB (Terabyte) of space – this is quite enough space for a small business. Data stored on Dropbox is encrypted and safe from hackers
IN EDUCATION: – Educational technology is defined as a study and ethical practice for facilitating learning & improving performance. The implementation of technology in the educational sector has completely changed the way we learn. Technology has promoted individual learning which is a very important thing because students are fully in control of what they learn and when they learn. For example, a student can use the internet to learn a new skill which might not be available in a traditional education system. Video streaming websites like YOUTUBE have played a very big role in changing how we learn. Briefly; let us go through some of the advantages of technology in education below:
- Easy access to educational material:- In the past educational material was restricted to libraries and schools – unfortunately access to these physical structures is not easy even at the present day but technology has opened all boundaries – students can easily access online libraries at a very small cost and read whatever they want. At the same time online video streaming websites like YOUTUBE have created space for educators to upload educational material for their students and this information can still be accessed by students from remote parts of the world thus giving a chance to students in low developing countries to study and compete with students in the first world countries.
- Makes learning enjoyable:- When it comes to learning – it can be very difficult to engage students while in the classroom – most of them are not interested in learning while others are easily distracted. However, video streaming technologies can easily engage students through graphics and make them love what they’re learning.
- Protects the environment: – As the population of the world keeps on increasing – the demand for educational institutions is on the rise. However, this might create a big foot print on our mother land ”earth” so technology is the best solution for addressing this issue. How? Through online education, people can learn from home and this reduces the demand for physical educational classrooms. At the same time it gives the student the pleasure to learn without limits and ask questions without fear of being laughed at / being rejected.
- Easy interaction between Teachers / Students and Parents: – In a normal classroom setting, it might be difficult for a teacher to interact with each student and know what they want / even learn about their weaknesses, however, technological tools like REMIND.COM make school communication easier. Teachers, students and parents can easily interact via this platform thus making learning easier. Also students can create discussion groups via the platform and stay engaged through cell phones…
Learn more on the advantages of technology here…….
Disadvantages Of Technology:
- Diminished human relations:- Over dependence on technology has increased loneliness and diminished human relations. Some people are addicted to technology – to the extent that they can’t spare time for their real friends and families. Social platforms like Facebook & Whatsapp have made relationships virtual in that people don’t find it important to have a one-on-one talk but rather chat, tag, poke others on social media networks. Also individuals with tech related jobs are carried away by their carriers simply because their jobs require extensive research and full time attention – ”so they excel very well in what they do but they never get time for their friends and families”. When it comes to entertainment – some people resort to video games and virtual games where they interact with programmed robots and at the end of the day they have no real-life friends or partners.
- Increased unemployment: The use of technology in business has resulted into increased unemployment simply because robots & machines are being used as replacements for humans. One machine can do a 10 mans’ job which is a good thing for a business owner because their return on investment will be high but on the other hand it is a con to people who will be laid off because of that one machine. Developed economies like United States of America are having a big problem of unemployment which is caused by increased use of technology in business. Assembly lines have been automated and many people have been denied their right of having a job.
- Less Privacy:- Much as we enjoy using the internet for research and entertainment purposes – hackers have found a way of getting into our private lives without our permission. All it takes is a simple click on a pitching link and the hacker will gain access to your computer & webcam. Our children are exposed to harmful graphical material and misleading information. Also governments and related institutions are having trouble safe-guarding sensitive information because hackers always find a way out and this information is posted on web platforms like I’m sure if you were following USA elections of the year 2016 – the battle between Trump & Clinton didn’t end well because hackers kept on exposing sensitive emails of Clinton on Wikileaks.
- Increased Insecurity: Technology has facilitated the development of massive distraction weapons like nuclear. Countries like North Korea & Russia have become a big threat to the all world simply because they posses these killer weapons. Science and technology have facilitated innovation in the military world – we can be spied on with a drone or even get killed by a drone. This might be good for the military but it is not good for the society especially when these tools get into the hands of wrong people.